Happy Winter Solstice everyone in the northern hemisphere! After we get through this shortest of days, and longest of nights, we begin the walk together back to the bright days. Don’t forget to enjoy winter along the way!
Wow! Toronto Blue Jays 5 - Seattle Mariners 4 What an exciting game for the Jays in Seattle!
No matter what anyone may say, 12° C, no snow, and thunderstorms in Toronto in February is not normal. This is the weather that we are getting here today. It is not ok.
You Don't Have To Be Perfect
This year for Lent I decided that I would fast during the day. Yesterday that plan was a complete failure. I even went so far as to eat food that I normally wouldn’t. Recently, well all of 2024 so far to be exact, I have been going through a very stressful time. With that in mind, I’ve decided to give myself a bit of grace. Today I won’t give myself any restrictions. On Friday I will start back with the Lenten fast. Life is filled with difficulties. So my advice, for whatever it’s worth, is to cut yourself some slack. It’s ok. You don’t have to be perfect.
So far 2024 has been just awful for me and my family. I hope that it gets better. I hope that I can find it to do more reading and writing. I hope that I can improve as a person. I hope that I can find it within my heart to be thankful for whatever there may be in this life to be grateful for. 😭