Logging Off of One Aap

Good morning to everyone ☕. Yesterday morning I signed out of the twitter app on my phone. This small action has provided me, surprisingly with a feeling of liberation. It’s almost a relief to be away from what for some time now, has been my favorite platform. Perhaps this will be the start of something new.

Last night here in Toronto we had our first decent snowfall of the season. Today I’m travelling by train to the eastern part of the province, and so far I haven’t been able to get one good picture yet. Ugh. I will persevere.

Good morning ☕. There is the ever faintest dusting of snow here in Parkdale today. So I guess, even though it’s still over a month away, winter really is on its way. Drive safe, and have a great day everyone.

Good morning ☕️ from utc -5. It is looking to be beautiful here today. I hope that it is nice wherever you are. Have a great day everyone.

Despite being a relitively large North American city, there is a remarkable amount of wild life around where I live. On the way home from work this morning I spotted these two frolicking together. Great neighbours!

With only two nights off before I have to return to work, there seems to be no sleep in sight for me. Instead of blaming the internet, or the naps from earlier today, I’m going to blame some undiagnosed insomnia.

Well another shift is in the books. Thankfully it was uneventful. Of course, it’s very quiet working the grave yard shift in a virtual ghost town

We are all in this together. Apparently there are many people who are very unhappy about that. God help us all.

Simcoe Day, A Reminder

Today in Toronto, the first Monday in August, coinciding with Civic Day is Simcoe Day. John Graves Simcoe, the first lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada should be remembered not for that distincition alone. We should be honouring him for what to me is his most important accomplishment as L-G. The passing of the Act Against Slavery on the 9th of July, 1793. This was a full 40 years before the Emancipation Act effectively ended slavery throughout the British Empire.

Today there is still a great deal of work to do to erradicate racism generally, the anti-black racism that was created to justify the trans-atlantic slave trade specifically, and even the ongoing practice of slavery in the world today. People in the past knew that it was wrong, and took action. Let us do the same today.

The sunrise this morning was about the most beautiful thing that I’ve seen in a long time. In fact the sky is just spectacular today.

Given what happened yesterday afternoon over on twitter, I’m glad to be on Micro.blog now. Clearly an alternative has never been more needed:

Biden, Gates, Musk and Other V.I.P. Twitter Users Are Hacked in Bitcoin Scam nyti.ms/2ZtyzEO

Good morning. Is there such a thing as a midweek stretch? Let’s make the best of where we’re at. Have a good day everyone.

Good morning. I hope that everyone is ready to face the week ahead. Let us all be ready to help others when we are asked. Have a good day everyone.

Good morning ☕. The weekend is here, and I hope that it grants you space to find yourself again. Have a good day everyone.

Moving forward I’m going to be working towards creating a cleaner, simpler, more constructive online experience for myself and those who I interact with.

Thank you to everyone for welcoming me to the community. I’m hopeful that this will provide space will provide a cleaner and, more positive online experience. At this point I’m still trying to find my wya around.

This is my very first post on Micro.blog. I’m very excited to have a new, hopefully more positive online experience on this platform.